I grew up being close to a family member who was an artist. As a young boy, I remember one conversation about art and how it concluded. I looked around the room and saw the TV - "is this art?" the answer seemed affirmative. Looking at a chair. Again, I asked, "is this art?x - the answer, again seemed affirmative. I pointed to a third, everyday object the fire, "is this art?" Once again the affirmative seemed to be the answer. My mind was blown.
Then came the question, "Do you think everything is art?". The answer, which made complete sense to me: politics, politics can't be said to be art.
Remembering this for the first time in over half a century I looked around the room and saw each item - the objects I take little interest in each day fresh and anew and smiled.
Then I thought about Bitcoin, could Bitcoin be art?
It's difficult, as you can't see it. But then I thought about performance art and thought - yes, Bitcoin is art also. It generates a reaction, social criticism, theatre - in the 60s a 'happening'.
Yes, in these ways Bitcoin is art.
I wonder if all technology, software included, constitutes art.
A friend of mine once described that to be art, there must be a perspective of the artist/author.
It's wonderful to hear some software developers speak about their work. It sounds like both a form of painting and architecture.
Also, thanks for the happening reference. Reminds me:
I'd say everything can't help but be an expression of their designer - so why not. The devs and ourselves taking part too!
It's certainly displays the world in a more interesting, deep and beautiful way when you do so.
Take this groovy male-enlarger baby - it's a totally far-out work of art with all the shape, tube and everthing!!
Wait! How did this thing get in my bag in the first place..? Not mine, my tackle is in perfect working... The book with my face on it? Err... AI?
Ah, thanks 🧡