AI. Its a terrible name. It isn't a savior or a villain. Its just an evolution in computing and it will not end civilization. Relax. The issue isn't AI. The issue is us. We are lazy, fat, and dumb. AI is an easy scapegoat.
I encourage people freaked out about "AI" to watch this video of Richard Feynman from 1985. I've lived through a couple of the AI hypes. This one is the biggest by far and has been fueled by a large jump in the power of the technologies. That said, many bad people are using it to justify granting them more power. The real threat is more centralization of computing power and control. When we are fearful or angry we are weak and susceptible to manipulation. Be strong. Educate yourself.
Definitely a terrible name. Wouldn’t say it’s Artificial at all
I've hear synthetic intelligence. Its an evolution not a revolution.
What do u suppose we rename it??
I could see some weird god complex emerging where we start considering human intelligence the artificial kind