My issue with neuralink isn't the tech. Its the vulnerability of having a chip in the body. We need to increase value of open source auditable code. No way I'd drive a car or insert tech into my body controlled by Elon's companies. I don't have that much trust.
Most people I know that freak out about biotech like this are addicted to their phones and are being tracked 24/7. They are just freaked out about the device moving into their body. They don't realize that they have already augmented their bodies but it is just an external device.
I'll keep my tech external unless making it internal (heart for example) saves my life. The external tech I can easily replace or dispose of myself. That's my issue with biotech. How do I control it and how could it control me. I can throw my phone in the trash.
These are solvable problems.
Yep, I'm not losing any sleep over it :)
Open sourced connector/slot in the body where you could stick whatever tech into yourself?
Will mestly open up new only fans niches I guess