Still working on profile photos ... Hoping to finish that up today. Then I'll probably go back to WoT improvements/research/experiments.
profile photos are done
whoa! very cool!!!
It would be great to set some browser caching headers on those images, currently those seem to refetched every time - at least from what I can tell. Does S3 have a setting for that?
Does the image URL change when user uploads a new version? If yes, then you could essentially cache those forever:
cache-control: public, max-age=31536000
It would also probably be good idea to gzip (or ideally brotli) those images on response ;)
Iā€™m going to put a CDN in front of them with long expiries. We ship incrementally around here šŸ˜‰
Also added 16m sat outbound channel to the node today ... mempool is still binanced, so might be awhile to get confirmed.
Good I gotta balance this channel with ya node
Should be good now. Have almost as much outbound as inbound.
avg response time is back >200ms ... ugh. Performance is probably going to have to be routinely revisited.
Just pushed a fix. Turned out to be an issue where jobs sat payment records are numerous and my query wasn't specific enough to filter them out ... so lots of records were getting scanned that didn't need to be = lots of time.