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Thank you!
What made you decide against it? Also, appreciate the different econ threads you've started up recently. Very informative. If I ever have two cents worth throwing into the discussion, I'll make sure to stop by.
I was looking into graduate school for math or econ, as well, and I ended up going into an econ PhD program. Since I wasn't sure which route I would take, I was studying for the actuarial exams and the graduate entrance exams at the same time.
Oof, major props to you. I know I couldn't do that. Fortunately/unfortunately still have a few actuarial exams left to go, but certainly closer to the finish line than the start. Hoping to power through over the next year or two.
As someone who grew up playing RPGs, the idea of a profession with levels was very appealing. I'm sure you'll be a level 7 actuary in no time.
Appreciate that, as with all things in life it starts with the desire and determination to see it through - not unlike what was required of you to complete your PhD. Thanks for taking the time to stop by and introduce yourself, looking forward to interacting with you more here on SN! Cheers!