re McDonalds processes being deflationary. My sense is they probably haven’t changed that much since implementation.
I was kind of talking out of my ass there, but the idea is that if there's one thing we know about McDonalds, it's that they are hell-bent on wringing every fraction of a cent out of every part of every process and every supply chain; and the nature of the thing being a public company means there's no place to hide. It seems as pure an example of true best-effort by a motivated agent to combine across a massive number of inputs as you could possibly find. Insofar as tech plays a role in most of those processes, from raising cattle to shipping to logistics, it tends towards deflationary.
That was my logic, at least.
And a reasonable one. I won’t post anymore - perhaps save it for the saloon. The OP is a bot / assmilker and adds nothing of value so I don’t see why we should.