You experience the world through your belief system.
The world is what it is and that's it. You just filter it through that sieve.
"Change your beliefs, change your world" - they tell you.
Your world changes, but the world out there is not going to change, no matter how much you want it to.
However, it's not all bad news:

The obstacle

Your belief system is a kind of filter through which water with sediment passes.
That filter accumulates rust and other elements over time.
The water pressure, in this case, is the flow of what you want in your life.
And that flow decreases as you accumulate beliefs and prejudices, but many times those beliefs have no real support.
That is, the 'sediments' in your filter prevent you from acting.
They prevent you from asking questions that 'shake you up' because they seem stupid or prevent you from knowing what to do.
They say that people don't take action because they want to avoid ridicule or the famous 'failure'. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The truth is that most people don't even know how to define failure.
However, there is something that we do fear but nobody talks about, and that is to take action.

¡No water comes out, no way!

Imagine spending time, resources and energy... and nothing happens.
Now then...
That terror becomes part of the sediment that accumulates day by day, month by month, year by year.
Meanwhile, you resign yourself to the gradual decrease in water pressure.
You resign yourself to not acting!
"I don't know anything about plumbing," you say. And you're right.
But you didn't know how LinkedIn worked before, either, and look at you now, all worked up in this jungle full of employers, contractors, freelancers and the like.
Then one fine day you turn on the tap and no water comes out.
Panic takes hold of your wife.
Necessity makes you an amateur plumber,
(Thanks Youtube, but I already know how to clean the pipe myself).
You break the wall, take the pipe apart, scrape off the sediment, put everything back together, cross your fingers... and out comes the water again, hard and fast.
If you wait too long to clean out your belief system and continue with the same habits that you already "know" are destructive, even the deepest cleaning will not produce the expected results.
(Thank goodness it wasn't about the toilet!)

Do the fucking maintenance!

Don't wait until you're in an emergency.
Learn to service your pipes every so often.
And the next time your world doesn't seem to be working the way it should, remember that the world just is.
After all, when you were born you were given the beautiful ability to adapt and flow through your circumstances, like water itself.
So, fucking adapt! - which is not the same as resignation.
Start by loosening the sediment, getting out everything you're holding tight in your chest.
Talk it out with someone you know won't judge you. In the #CopySmart community, for example.
Can't get anyone?
Go write it down with pencil and paper.
Start today.
I wish you the greatest success.
The analogy I have used to explain all this has been extracted and adapted from the now defunct Telegram channel of Jesús Enrique Rosas - @knesix on X.
Jesus is a Venezuelan expert in body language and persuasion.
He became "famous" on X a few years ago for knowing how to "read" the body language of politicians and catch their lies.
He also used to publish a lot of interesting stuff about body language. Too bad he stopped doing it for the Spanish speaking public.
In fact, I owe my love for the series "The Mentalist" to him.
Thank you, Jesús, in case you read me or someone else sends you this writing.
The credits go to you.
To summarize, this post says "When uncertain, approach with a beginners mind"?
Certainly beginners mind, clean pipes, tabula rasa, that is Tao.
"What if I'm wrong?"
"No SERIOUSLY, what if I'm wrong???"
good questions. helpful for finding the exit of your tunnel of pride.
They say that people don't take action because they want to avoid ridicule or the famous 'failure'. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that most people don't even know how to define failure.
Failure is to lie. In the most general sense. Think of something you have great mastery of, then ask yourself, "Can I be wrong about this?", see how easy it is to answer honestly.