We need to talk about it. Fiat currency is the least of our concerns compared to the obecity pandemic,
Counterintuitively, as long as you remain relatively productive (carry a job and pay taxes) fat people might be ideal for the system... pay taxes into the system, die of an MI in their 50s-60s.
Contrast this with the costs of supporting 90 year old grannie with slowly progressive dementia who retired at 65, has been drawing social security checks and Medicare for decades, living in a long term care home with recurrent trips to the ICU for pneumonia. Estranged kids who don't visit in the hospital continue to say they "want everything done".
Obesity is terrible for the individual, but it is the long term costs of the elderly that is bankrupting our system.
Food for thought (see what I did there). The obesity pandemic is a symptom of the fiat system's reliance on excess consumption.
Obecity is a lack of education, its a lack of accepting something is wrong, and its a lack of wanting to do something about it. So you cant solve anything until you have solved obecity imo.
On a general level there will always be obecity, but when its so widespread as it is today, forget about solving any other problem.
I understand this can make the situation kind of hopeless but maybe thats because it is.