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When It Comes to Economic Analysis, Your "Opinion" Is Irrelevant by Alex Voss "Subjective valuation, which is at the heart of Austrian economic thinking, is not the same thing as someone's opinion."
Really, subjective value theory is at the heart of all modern economic thinking and has been since the late 1800's. It's still not fully appreciated, though, amongst intelligent laypeople.
Thanks for sharing. I saw this cross my feed earlier and appreciated its more pointed and direct tone. A lot of times the Mises wire publishes great info but in a dry and scholarly way (a format I enjoy, I must say), so I like it when they switch things up tone-wise.
I'll try to get more creative with these at some point, but I like proselytizing for the Mises Institute.
Honestly I plug them IRL whenever I can, their content is just that good. I start my day usually reading an article or two from the latest wire. Haven't read a bad article yet and I doubt I will.