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  • Gaming Consoles that don't have updateable OS or games. (Think PS2 and earlier generations).
  • Media that you can physically own (software, movies, music, etc) instead of paying a subscription to it. OK, if you need mp3s, then Winamp, because it really whips the llama's ass!
  • Devices that simply work by connecting them to the electricity grid. No Internet required to use it.
  • Real Photographs. Now with the Pixel 8 and others we are starting to see AI edited photos in the mainstream. This means that you will be usually seeing photos of events that never happened in real life. For example, group photo where one blinked, the phone grabs another photo to swap the face, or simply generates some open eyes there. That event never happened yet you are looking at a photo of it. Huge issues in the future for this. We only had a few decades of photo evidence being truth.