1. Any tips with the overall design?
  2. The external fan in the duct... should it go on the intake side pushing more air in? Or on the outflow side helping push air out? ---> Some plebs on NOSTR suggested BEFORE, as the opposite could create a vacuum effect but didn't explain further. Does anyone have external fans running?
Caveat: The external fan - I can wire in a dimmer to control the speed of the fan if that matters.
And yes. LONG LIVE PAINT hahaha.
Also, should the outflow duct be piped IN the box right to the S9 and Power supply fans? Or is it OK to attach to the box and let the air circulate in the box somewhat? Box is a high quality 1.25" vinished ply.
Nice schematic!
Curious why you want to filter the exhaust when the intake is "fresh air".
Do not let air cycle in the box, it will cause it to overheat.
Try without a duct fan. The asic is basically a duct fan itself.
Use this guide as a reference when building your enclosure: https://econoalchemist.github.io/UpstreamData-DIY-BlackBox/
Filter the VOCs man. Hot plastic and metals etc. Rather not breathe it.