I think they may find the severity of these efforts surprising. The American Empire is predicated on dollar hegemony, so they will go to great lengths to snuff out any threat to that.
100%. I hear a lot of tough talk about what the government wouldn't dare to do. I'm like, motherfuckers, they interned the Japanese. They spent ten trillion invading Iraq to protect the hegemony and the petrodollar. You think they're gonna be put off by your basement full of hunting rifles? You think your Rothbard tramp stamp puts fear into their hearts?
They don't have to unearth the Seed Signer QR codes from every maxi. That's not the aspiration. They have to cool out the 99% of normal people who are starting to understand why non-govt money is a good idea. That is a simpler matter, even if it's fruitless on a longer timescale. But the ultimate futility of the act has never stopped a wounded bear from mauling some poor bastard to death.