Looking at the ratings, epic movies and low quality ones with little to no substance have similar ratings, therefore, in my opinion, those ratings are not to be trust, after doing more digging found as well that, in the case of IMDB, there are a considerable number of "critics" which are ideologically biased to the new virtual signalling in fashion, making even hard to watch movies and TV shows to look as great if you follow the ratings... I would assume this business model or ideological model has its expiration date, maintaining it have to be quite expensive.
What are your thoughts?
28 votes \ poll ended
You are seeing a phenomena that exists at every point in time before this moment in time. Virtue signalling is the new term for popular social fashion. IMO what you are referring to is a lack of reflexive understanding; i.e. contributors of the system of culture not seeing themselves and/or a lack of contributors (makers, filmmakers, writers, etc.) commenting on it through their own work. Maybe you should write movie reviews?
Insightful comment, thanks for sharing your thoughts
which are ideologically biased to the new virtual signalling in fashion
I have literally no idea what you are talking about?
If a show political and is targeted at democrats it will naturally have democrat audience and therefore votes on imdb. Vice versa for conservative media. Or other genres/subcultures. This isn't manipulation, that's just having an audience.
Do you also look up childrens shows and think it's IdEoLoGiCaLlY BiAsEd because it isn't all adults voting it 1 stars?
My suspicion is that you spend too much time with politics and have severe brain rot from it.
I think he's pointing to the reviewers that the show is not targeted at reviewing it anyway and giving it a rating based on the reviewer's ideology, not the actual quality of the product.
It got particularly bad in 2016, but it's kind of blatant OP isn't wrong at all, nor has his brain "rotted". What a gaslight post.
It's brainrot to see politics everywhere.
It's not gaslighting to say imdb doesn't claim their ratings where from an equal distribution on critics. Progressive movies have a progressive audience, kids movies have children as an audience, artsy movies have an artsy audience, Conservative movies have a conservative audience, horror movies have a horror-loving audience etc. That's just facts.
Trust what?
When we talk about trust we should ask carefully of what they even claim to be trustworthy on.
I don't trust them, but I do find them useful for tipping me off about quality. Even if they are corrupt, they are still incentivized to on average tell you if something is good or bad (else they'll be replaced with something that does). So I consider all of their reviews from that lens, ie they might be lying about the quality of any particular movie but are generally aggregating honestly for most movies.
Hold on. I have another great idea. Stacker Movie Reviews. You have to zap 10,000 sats to submit your review and then the quality of your review is weighted on the page by the zaps it collects.
I don't trust any ratings online. Too many bots. And easily manipulated by admins.
Including SN?
I think it is hilarious when critics give a movie a high rating and then the audience completely trashes it and vice versa. I think the best examples of this were the Chapelle special and the Fauci movie.
Sometimes critics want a movie to be artsy and have a deeper meaning and stuff while the mainstream of people just want to be entertained.
You can see that e.g. with superhero movies. Critics think their flat and tasteless while audience just want to see big explosions and effects
LOL, true. I have so many examples like that one
I trust the audience review not the critics
"Trust" is a strong word. I'll say they're useful.
Sometimes, the critics rating is more useful. Sometimes, the audience rating. It kinda just depends on the circumstances.
I basically have it as a binary check.
Any movie on imdb above 7 in score is probably worth a watch, apart from movies which has a nerd following of some sort. Then you have to watch the trailer to filter out crtl+c ctrl+v money grab crap.
Rotten tomatoes I haven't thought about yet.
most rankings are commercial scams
I can't find the actual story but I seem to remember there was a film studio, can't remember which one, that was putting star ratings on their film posters that came from a completely fictitious reviewer. Totally made up.
Yes but no. I use it as an indication to the overall impression by the world. Sometimes I find low rated movies/shows that I very much enjoy and other times I find highly rated movies/shows that I don't like at all.