There are 2 types of plebs: A. the ones with good knowledge about routing nodes and LN in general B. the ones that have no clue what is running a node and how LN works.
The A category also contain 2 types:
  • the ones with low capital for liquidity
  • the ones with good capital for LN liquidity
I would recommend to all those plebs from B category to stop doing any public routing node and use only private nodes for their own simple use. To the plebs from A category, but without large liquidity, please stop what are you doing and run just private nodes enough to cover your own low needs to use LN.
People MUST understand that running a PUBLIC routing node is a very serious task. And other node runners, please stop this madness, pushing any noob into running a public routing node! Running a public routing node without any knowledge is pure madness and is doing more harm than good, to themselves and to the entire network.
I explained in more details in these guides:
LN needs now more good LSPs and good routing nodes. The era of playing around with shity RPis to learn is over. Now comes in place the professionals, the amateurs should move away and use private nodes.
We need more quality not quantity of nodes.
To all those that will jump in to say about "decentralization", "helping network" and other bla bla bla... please learn first the difference between public and private nodes and then we talk.
The era of playing around with shity RPis to learn is over.
Well dog gammit, I am waiting for my rpi5 for this reason.