1. A Bitcoin hardfork that everyone will agree on, deprecating completely the old chain.
  2. The laser eyed ultra toxic maxi quasi-cultist culture dying out because nobody takes them seriously and they actually are as detrimental to Bitcoin as their polar opposite: craptobros.
  3. Bitcoin critics finally realizing that the US is not the only market in the world, thus understanding why FTX going down, Binance US not letting you withdraw your USD and Coinbase being an overall shitty exchange won't kill Bitcoin.
  4. Greenpeace releasing a BIP to actually make Bitcoin consume less energy.
laser eyed ultra toxic maxi quasi-cultist cult
lololololol, shitcoiners like you dying out because your estrogen levels make you infertile
You won't even say what you think a hard fork with consensus would entail? Don't be a coward. I'll tell you my idea if you share yours.
You can check my profile and see how much of a shitcoiner I am, as I said in another to you in another post, stop assuming thing about people, me disliking people like you doesn't not make me a shitcoiner, there's no single right way to love Bitcoin.
About the hardfork I really think that you didn't understand the point of the comment at all, you felt attacked by what I said and you said "this fool's a shitcoiner and an idiot", but since we are here, a hardfork will have a to be made either we like it or not because of the 32-bit unsigned unix timestamp, we either change that or Bitcoin stops producing blocks altogether.