When we're talking about machines smarter than we are, the anti-perversion mechanism becomes really important.
Nice. Smarter -> larger chess board.
One of the metaphors I like for btc, and for this idea of coordination, is certain hormones. Since hormones are for signaling, to some extent, their absolute levels don't matter. If you had twice as much dopamine floating around, after an adjustment period, nothing much would change. The "hormone printing press" has about the same effects that the real printing press does -- some local Cantillon effects, and then general systemic adjustment as "inflation" takes its course.
This is all to say, the "hormone printing press" being un-forgeable is important to machines too, right? Because they are, like us, hormone receptors.
Exactly. I'm assuming that our AI overlords want to be able to coordinate interactions and resources with each other without concern that they will be diluted through some kind of arms race, or something external the system (e.g., fiat) messing up their relative relations with each other.