šŸšŖ Intro

It has been an interesting journey till now, and look's like it will continue being fun and entertaining for a while. GoodStr has initially started as collaboration and due to various reasons the evolutionary path to development took now a much simpler and faster way, also thanks to the amazing technologies it now stands on (and the frameworks and noise that has being disregarded/ignored).
So the versioning has been going backward, from Beta to Alpha, providing the opportunity to rethink the way the product should be presented. Decision taken, black on white, and it was time to go return into the basics of the internet, diving into the pureness HTML and CSS feels like has been the right decision ever, making it so easier to build a front-end without the need for design thinking or features requests.
The core pillar of the code currently powering GoodStr is SuperStore that, since inception, had a simple and basic user interface hiding the true power of such tool, making it inaccessible and/or unusable for many. The challenge has been taken and after weeks of rebuilding the Ui contained on it, looking back provides a new perspective for the project and hopefully increase nostr adoption, usability for customers and discoverability for merchants. You can try the latest live version from here, just consider that some of the functionalities are currently not working as expected.

āœŒ Greatest Progress

šŸ”® Future Plans

  • Design and build the Markets ā½Ā¹ā¾ showcase page with:
    • Newest Markets
    • Most active Merchants (past week)
    • Most relatable Merchants (past week)
    • Merchants with most completed orders (past week)
  • Include Markets widget in Discovery page
  • Redesign Single Market ā½Ā²ā¾ page, will allow every Merchant to manage and curate specific products within
  • Redesign Single Item ā½Ā³ā¾ page
  • Redesign the whole buying flow, including Cart ā½ā“ā¾ and Checkout ā½āµā¾ pages
  • Introducing Subscriptions items
What you see above are obviously only wireframes of the current live version. Yes, it's not really visually appealing, and that's what you'll hopefully see redesigned and build on our next update.

šŸ¤Œ Problems, No! Only Opportunities

Just hold on, relax, and be patient. That's how opportunities presents themselves, with a general warm sentiment to allow better outcomes, here we go with the list of curret challenges:
  • Categorizing products o nostr, it's possible, just need to figure out the how that currently still unclear...
Not many new links to share, they still the same... contents within has definitely changed, check it out:
That's all nostriches, until next one... Beep Bit!