thndr and zebedee have the best play-to-earn lightning games.
Avoid over complexity imo, I have tried out axie infinity and the game is no fun, and from a game design POV, it is far too difficult to develop both a game and its economy.
Yes, I was also an early investor. It seems like none of them manages to survive.
You were an early investor? Venture capital shares if I may ask?
Haha no, I just got in it before it got popular
That's what I call customer and not investor :D
No they don't. does if we are talking about lightning. Crypto casino with instant deposit in SATS/Lightning and instant withdrawal. Play to earn games where you don't start with anything are jokes. You can't make any significant amount of money/crypto off them without either investing something or buying some sort of feature, or, if you're willing to do it for years on a daily basis. Then you might have $10 USD in coin.