You need access to a S3 bucket to test however ... ?
I wish I know how, haha 😳
do you think free 10 MB image upload per stacker per 24 hours is enough?
I'm not sure, maybe let's try this first? If hitting limits all the time, I would definitely report back🫡 Or the second option is how about cowboys have more free MB?
You need access to a S3 bucket to test however ... ?
I wish I know how, haha 😳
Oh, I realized I can just give you the link to my hosted version of SN :)
You can only login with lightning. Nostr should also work but I haven't tested it.
Since it uses a signet (not mainnet where sats have value), you need to send me the invoices so I can pay them for you (as explained in the post). I might be able to expose this so anyone can pay their own invoices. But for now, this should suffice.
Getting the invoices paid kind of works like closed beta access :)
Will create a post about this now.