Hey, me again..
Thanks to @artdesignbySF's suggestion, I've implemented direct search feature so that you don't need to look up audio on youtube and then copy and paste it to the jukebox. Search directly on the jukebox page now!
I know I'm a bit annoying already, but don't worry, no more major feature announcements for at least a week. Minor features are being deployed continuously.
Feature update posts are not annoying. Keep it up!
Thanks for the encouragement!
genuinely love to see these updates hope there’s more to come soon! what is the next feature you’re working on?
There sure is! I plan to develop the chat for listeners, but that's a bigger one, so it will take some time.
Would’ve been my next suggestion as well, nice work man
Great work. Works like a breeze.
Some ideas:
  • nice graphics can improve the fun!
  • let users make their own channel they can share. I said before there are blog sites that have like a pub hour that could use this, but they would be in trouble if they would host it themselves. If they can create their own channel and link it, that would solve the legal issues (for them).
Thanks for the suggestions! Both are in the todo list :)
Smart move to deliberately put crappy music in there to stimulate donations.
No man, it's all people choices, of course!
Nice idea, could really do with debouncing the search box keystrokes tho. How are you passing the sats earned on to the artists?
The search box debounce is now set to 1 second, should be much better, thanks!
Regarding passing the sats on to artists, how would you go about it?
Much better :)
No idea but monetising other people’s music for yourself without any kind of licensing arrangement doesn’t tend to end well!
Maybe look into how it’s done with traditional jukeboxes in your jurisdiction. Here in the U.K. you need to be a paid up member of the PRS.
Good luck!