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Bitcoin allowed me to reflect on my personal history through a new lens.
I had a fortunate childhood upbringing. I travelled a little and thought the world was a place that rewarded hard work and a strong work ethic; Western free market capitalism was a beacon to the world. I watched society and the government grind down my father and our family; robbing him of his savings, his dignity and finally his life. His hope for a better tomorrow, patience and low time preference was his undoing.
I felt called to a life of service and entered the military, seeing the world from a different perspective to that of growing up. I worked hard, saved and had a measure of security. But I have seen the dark side of human nature and it is a wake up call… but what to do?
In the last 10 years my life has collapsed and I am on the same course as my father. My body is broken and still I put it on ragged edge to earn minimum wage every day… just like him. But at least now there is BTC.
Bitcoin is the absolute best hope humanity has at restoring the law of the farm; patience and saving for a brighter future. The politicians, short term business decisions, corrupt foreign aid policies and exploitative rent seeking have destroyed the world and trapped 95% of its inhabitants.
My insight from childhood has been watching a broken system happen in real time and then see it come for me.
Thank you for sharing :) Bitcoin is hope!!
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