My earliest childhood regret happened at the mall. My mom dropped me and my sister off at the entrance of an arcade. The entrance looked like a big dinosaur head, and to get into the arcade you had to enter the dinosaurs mouth. I refused to enter out of fear and sat at a bench for an hour ( I was five or six years old and afraid). My mom finished her shopping held my hand and together we entered the (monsters) mouth. The inside was the funnest dinosaur themed arcade with candy and prizes and everyone laughing and having the best time that I'd ever seen. At that point I wanted to stay, but we had to go. I realized that I let irrational fear get in the way between me and a genuinely good time.
The rest of my childhood was spent running around outside with a group of close neighborhood friends. We would ride our scooter and bikes further than what our parents allowed and on dangerous paths that we knew we probably shouldn't.
Don't fear personal responsibility or freedom, freaks. "Fear is the mind killer"