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What to do when the bank in Monopoly runs out of money? The Bank never “goes broke.” If the Bank runs out of money, the Banker issues IOUs for whatever amounts are required by writing the amount on a piece of paper. IOUs can be exchanged for cash whenever cash is available; otherwise they are simply counted in the assets of the player holding them.
easy as that
Not sure what you're trying to say. The US has the world's reserve currency, prints as much of it as it likes, of course their stock market is inflated.
What I say is that the US needs to get rid of the Davosian politics, back to free market capitalism to maintain this position. And then there is this little fiscal problem...
Gravity will see to that, starting tomorrow
Janet will save the (her) day
Not until they have caused 25% unemployment in Q2 next year
Do You think this will come down that fast?