Meh, think of this way. It fills multiple needs:
  • Biden administration gets to posture they're doing something about AI
  • Incumbents now have a legal framework to manipulate and lobby to their own advantage
  • Incumbents also more protected from upstarts who have a harder time affording compliance costs
  • The added layers of regulatory complexity creates (value-destroying) jobs for politicians' lawyer buddies
Everyone wins, right? Except for actual quality of product and value to society.
The Noble lie also fits. I mean I use that as a lens to view these things as well.
I don't disagree. What I am doing is taking them literally. What you are doing (and what I think as well) is thinking about the game theory behind it. You nailed it. What you described is why we can't have nice things.
It's like they think restricting AI in the United States is going to restrict AI.
A few years ago I started viewing the State and specifically the U.S. Federal government as a post-theism god. It has many of the trappings of a religion and one of the biggest ones is this idea that the word of the State can just magically make things so. Of course this isn't true and isn't new but many seem to sincerely believe. They are offended in the same way a religious person is offended when you speak ill of their god.
This perspective has really helped me understand why so many people get so worked up about politics and their political team. It truly is a religion and as such when you speak blasphemy you should be silenced.
That's insightful. A bunch of people and their opinions make sense from that lens.
A common secular/cynical view of religion is that it's an anxiolytic, ie "the power is concentrated somewhere and I'm in its good graces." People totally use governments that way.
You nailed it. This is a human issue. IMO the issues with religion are issues with humans. You remove "god" and people create a god and act the same way.
Not that there aren't issues with all religions and people that practice them. Its just that religion is an easy scapegoat. Its just not that simple.
I wonder if "Government" knows this, and uses it to its advantage? Or even intentionally cultivated it? 🧐
(Spoilers: Yes)
Yeah, its quiet stupid. The hubris of these people seems to have no end.