I have it up on my second monitor all the time. It's the most rewarding engagement, both in substance and in precious sats.
Word to the wise, this site strongly rewards zapping content, so don't hold back. I can tell from that nice hat you're wearing that you already have some sense of this principle.
Yeah, set my defaul zap to 210 🥳
Good on you. I adjust mine everyday, based on my wallet's balance, and it's steadily drifting upwards.
I think I added around 1000 sats to my wallet
Was up to 3000 the other day. But now... Wow, haha I have been zapping!
nice 35 day 🤠 streak my friend
Thanks, I couldn't get past 10 for a long time, but I stuck with it. I expect to see you at 35 days when December gets here.