I'm not a writer, but what I can say from similar experiences is this:
If you work is either loved or hated, that's a still win, because people recognised you and the content you've made in a way or another.
If you became a writer that means you have something you want to share with the world, that's what I felt from you.
If someone criticise you, try to discussing it with them and try to get a reason from them, if you get a "it's just shit!" or similar just brush it off, it's pointless to even listen to those opinions.
As I said, I'm not a writer but an advice I can give you is to experiment and go for untouched topics and audience. Try writing content like reviews, tutorial, life lessons, children stories, one sentence stories, anything you can think of.
Also try to use any source for inspiration as you can, keep a dream journal, play a TTRPG or a journaling game, talk with any kind of people, friends from children to elders, strangers, and read and watch other things that you like, ideas are all around and you just have to find them yourself.
I hope this helps you with your writer's block!
Cheers 🤗
thank you, I appreciate your advice! I had been bouncing around the idea of book reviews, so seeing it here in your message is sort of a signal. thank you for the encouragement!
Just so you know, I post my book reviews on the thread <Weekend Book Recommendations> every week here. It motivates me to read more so that I can continue posting book reviews haha
You're welcome!
Great ideas comes when you're alone, great stories are already around you, just listen to them. 🤗