As in the topic. I’m looking for a mobile app. The webpage works good and I use it from a shortcut on an iPhone however a few typical features are missing, e.g. pull to refresh, sticky header, reply notifications etc. Is there some API one could take advantage of to make an app or is there an app already?
I still prefer the Web version usage of SN
There have been two 3rd party mobile apps built but I don't think they're being maintained anymore.
pull to refresh, sticky header
We can do those in the PWA probably
There is no native app but we have a progressive web app that you can install. It should look & feel like a native app. Depending on your browser, you should have been prompted to install it. Else, you should find the option to install in the context menu of the website:
Here is an example how to install the PWA using Brave Browser on Android:
pull to refresh, sticky header, reply notifications
All of these are available in the PWA except sticky header.
There is not an official app. I believe there’s an unofficial android app made by one of the users. I think it was read only at one point, not sure if that’s still the case.
Regarding reply notifications, do you have push notifications enabled? I get reply notifications on the iOS PWA