I enjoyed it while it last as the SN Ghost hover over my screen everytime I zap stackers.
I'm waiting for the next effect the @sn team will come up with as I know for now Halloween is over
👻👻👻 that was cool.. bunch of zaps just to see them appear
I'd love to see the zap data for while the ghost feature was active.
I gave someone 10k sats that day, and just kept hammering the button instead of doing it all at once. I can't guarantee that I gave so much bc of the ghosts, but it sure didn't hurt.
When we did fireworks on july 4th, it was the highest number of zaps in a day ever. It was nearly 2x the previous all time high.
Since then, we've started debouncing (ie batching) zaps sent to the server, so the data isn't as clear wrt the number of button clicks. Still the number of zap batches shot up 40% on halloween relative to the comparable period of time.
I can see it as being something to be careful about -- like back in the day, when Google first started having a custom page on special / notable days. Now every day is like that, and it no longer makes an impression.
Great point. We'll need to practice discipline and stick to major holidays.
Yes, it had this way of making you zap more
I haven't seen it... 😭
Hope to see something similar for Christmas maybe?
The name is catchy already
Ghostmas! ❄️☃️👻
We definitely have to have a Christmas effect @k00b
hmmmm yeah