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Does a mobile node count? There's no excuse not to run one.
I will take a look. Thank you!
I use LN for small operations, tops 500 USD was the maximum amnt I ever had, regularly is around 100-200 USD sometimes even less. I won't bother trying to self custody my LN sats, my time is worth way more in hours that I would require to circumvent the staggering amount of guides, troubleshooting, bugs,.. The only self custody that matters to me is onchain.
I run a node at home. But often don't use it for receiving sats for privacy reasons, to not dox my node pubkey.
forgetting to put off DCA for the pay cycle to buy the parts to build one.
Please make the BIG difference between public and private LN nodes. Most of noobs they were (wrongfully) brainwashed that they need to run a PUBLIC node in order to be able to transact over LN privately.
That is a wrong approach! Public LN nodes are mostly for LSPs, liquidity providers, routers, exchanges etc Private LN nodes are mostly for regular users, private payments etc and you do not need to run a sophisticated public LN node (with liquidity management, fees etc) in order to do that.
Rebalancing was becoming an issue as well as keeping up to date. I probably could have better protected who would be allowed to create channels because I would regularly have my liquidity drained.
Running a Lightning node nowadays is such time consuming to rebalance channels and as far as I know currently there is no automated way to do it, if not rely on third part software that I don't feel comfortable to give access to a personal node.
Most people have no interest in getting all techie just so they can send/receive quick cheap payments. Most are perfectly happy to trust a centralised institution with their small change, and to go about their day not caring about all the geek stuff behind it. Horses for courses. The great thing about decentralisation is that anyone who wants to can participate in providing a global public good, but that doesn't mean everyone on the planet should be expected to do it. Most will just want to utilise it as needed and get on with their lives.
Planning on doing it after going through Andreas' Mastering the Lightning Network and additional resources to learn more about the intricacies of LN.
I was running a node but probably wasn't using enough liquidity.
I got a few forces closes during this years onchain fee spike. Also we're moving next year so for now I might wait a bit longer to try again.
One thing I think is worth waiting for is the ability to take the hot keys out & have more of a cold LN setup. This I'd be more interested in!
I'm planning on doing it but can't help myself from just buying more raspberry pi's for dumb things... And well.. yeah.. I have a friend who've set one up which I use "temporary".
Opportunity cost. I have other more important stuff to do.
Could you point me in the direction of a good resource to set up a lightning ⚡️ node?
I am not very technical at all!
i got bored of it...
I used a raspery for core node + LN node but I had a power outage and the hard drive got rendered unusable, I have been able to retrieve all the funds but for my next one im gonna need an uninterruptible power supply item, or maybe there is a software solution ?
This is what you should do with RPi nodes
I always said: the weakest link for a RPi node is the fucking USB connection to the drive. is fucking idiotic to use that for a node! Please read more here:
For Bitcoin Nodes they are fine, right?
Do you understand this phrase? the weakest link for a RPi node is the fucking USB connection to the drive
RPi's may not be as reliable as other advanced machines, and they may not be the ideal choice for Lightning Nodes. However, I specifically inquired about their suitability for Bitcoin Nodes (not Lightning). Personally, I am using an RPi with a case that supports M.2 SATA SSD, eliminating the need for a USB cable. I can't see the reason to not recommend a cheap lower-power RPi for a non Lightning node, that's why i asked.
I will look into that, thanks :)
Basic FAQ and understanding. Eg does a private node mean that it's on tor?
No a private node it doesn't mean is behind tor. being behind Tor you are just not revealing your public IP/location, but you still use public channels.
A private node means is using unannounced channels, is not visible in public LN explorers.
No money. I don't have enough money to build my own node. I would like one. But I can not.
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Yes, are many aspects about LN that people ignore. And that's why I wrote all those 60+ guides with many solutions, wallet reviews etc.
People should pay attention to all details I put in those guides, not just reading the titles.
Learning about Bitcoin is not a joke, is a life long pursuit. Bitcoin is not for the weak, only for brave and knowleageable.
Yes, are many bugs and issues with all LN implementations, but are fixable. You need patience and read a lot of documentation, testing a lot too. In some of my guides I even put warnings where are known issues. But that doesn't mean you should be worried. Use the LN wisely with low amount of funds, following my reviews and you will be just fine.
Learn now more, don't wait until others will take advantage of you.
PS: Zeus, Blixt, Phoenix, Breez, Electrum are LN nodes, easy to use and with already a good maturity (no big issues). Are perfectly fine to start with. Read more here: