My goal: work on free and open source Bitcoin software for 1 year, full time.
How: Crowdfunding $5840 a month.
This would be enough for me to support my wife and kids while I work on open source full time.
I intend to personally bank roll my first month’s salary. Maybe this experiment will only last a month (lol) but I’m willing to give it a shot.
I’m looking for supporters…not just monetarily, but code reviewers & contributors, and more importantly, users, who are willing to not only test the software, but are actually excited to use it.
What: I want a project that checks all of my boxes (my thinking around this has changed since I wrote that article) for those who come to me and ask “What’s the best way to store my bitcoin”.
A Free and Open Source software project that improves upon best practices in security and privacy in Bitcoin self custody and guides the user to the best solution for their particular circumstances.
Here is arctica project’s github (not much to show just yet as this is a fork of the existing code), if you want to follow along at home.
Here is a Tallycoin page where you can donate to this venture (if you so choose, no pressure) in Bitcoin.