In yon uncharted swath of heaven's vast, 'pon a sphere named Aesthetica by its kin, Did rise a folk, the Aestheticans, 'neath skies untouched by sin. Their world a canvas lush and vast, with nature's bounty rife, Where beauty's hand did mold their souls, and form their very life.
From earthen bed, their cities sprung, with architecture grand, As structures wove 'round nature's thrum, in harmony they stand. Their edifices caught the morn and eve's soft-glowing light, And walls did bloom with shifting hues, as day succumbed to night.
Their artistry, a marriage of both function and of form, Did mimic the land's own contours, in storm and calm and warm. Sculptures in the public eye did breathe with elements’ flow, Creating spectacles anew, in ceaseless, artful show.
Their craft did blend with nature's touch, machines of silent grace, As rivers' stones in smooth repose, with no rough edge to face. In garments that did flutter and shift with gait and mood, They wrapped themselves in visual songs, in sartorial interlude.
Their music wove through daily life, a harmony profound, As districts chimed in concert, a symphonic surround. Leaves rustled with deliberate tone, a curated sylvan sound, Each plant selected for the rustle or whisper it could expound.
Their tongue was as a lute's soft strum, melodious and clear, With words that flowed like honeyed wine to please the listener's ear. Their speech did paint the very air with beauty's tender stroke, Each phrase a line of sonnet sweet, by artful craft evoked.
In philosophy, they found their muse, in beauty's truth so bright, A testament to cosmos’ depth, to interconnected light. Their ethos was of aesthetics, of balance and of care, In each act weighed for beauty's grace, beyond the common fare.
Thus did the Aestheticans live, in pursuit of all things fair, Their lives a work of art complete, beyond mere mortal compare. And hence they ventured forth in space, with harmony in heart, To spread the seeds of beauty's truth, and their aesthetic art.