I don't understand how two main critical products on the bitcoin ecosystem don't put some effort to make this working?
(BTW phoenix wallet works perfectly fine with other p2p markets like lnp2pbot).
just reduce the order time to 4 hours, no problem, phoenix doesn't accept longer holding times
That worked before but now it gives me no routing error on the last invoice no matter what settings i put
post in robosats simplex group, they're normally pretty quick to resolve issues. Thanks for reporting.
It may happen that the wallet itself or ACINQ meanwhile do not like hanging payments so they disallow it one way or another.
maybe they are to long?
but also even after you change the settings until the wallet route the payment for the first holding invoice, after the order is taken and you have to send another payment with the full final amount, the routing fail again, and no way to change any settings to get this working.
I don't see any other service failing for the phoenix wallet so far.
This suggests that they limit the number of HTLC in flight to 1. Really strict, but they are large and really spend much effort on security.
try to take any order using phoenix wallet, or maybe create one yourself.