Thank you for your honesty. Parenting is the hardest thing in my life. It fucking sucks but it’s what we signed up for😂
  1. Talk to a counselor.
  2. Talk to your wife.
  3. Give your kids a hug.
  4. Get a baby sitter and take an hour or 2 with your wife.
  5. It takes a village
We are not meant to live in the isolation of modern life where we have fake connection online with other personas. We need real relationships and vulnerability with our communities. Those can be family, friends, and/or church/religious. Great advice.
my wife noticed my depression 2 years ago and signed me up for an over 35s football team.
This helped the a lot, and meeting local bitcoiners IRL 😂
I haven’t used OrangePill app yet but think that would be a great in person connector ⚡️
I may sound cheap but I don’t want to pay to use the OrangePill app haha
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or hang out with non-bitcoiners, they're cool people too, lol :)
yep, and then pill the super cool ones - a good opportunity to learn from each other.
Thank you for acknowledging that parenting fucking sucks. I think I may be able to cope with all this better if people aren’t just about how their kids bring them joy and meaning and what-have-you.
Yes, parenting is something I signed up for. It’s a cage that I willingly walked into 😅