Problem: Money printing has created price inflation.
Solution: Print more money and dole it out to ease the pain from the previous money printings.
That's crazy. One could think that the selloff in assets eases the inequality a little. Looks like it didn't.
I know that people say the president doesn’t have control over this stuff, but it really did feel like things were better during Trump’s time (inbetween Obama and now Biden).
Everything cheaper, less unemployment. You could just notice the difference with your eyes. I know that isn’t worth much other than anecdotal evidence.
Without wanting to shit on anyone's political views, that's the same as if you chew a lot of gum that year and assign that to lower prices.
Depending on what is "necessary", I would bet any president would do whatever it sees fit.
Gum isn’t in charge of the country…
Or is it...?
The inflation rate for the poorest 10th of households is 1.5 percentage points higher than for the richest 10th. This is the largest gap recorded since 2006.
New analysis from the Resolution Foundation shows that inflation for the poorest 10th of households has hit double digits, standing at 10.2%. It is now significantly higher than the 8.7% rate experienced by the richest 10th of households – itself a high level in historical terms.
Health minister Maria Caulfield said on Saturday that the chancellor was not “ruling anything out” amid calls for a boost to the benefits system. She hinted that further action was planned.