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I've been thinking about it and I don't have an answer yet.
For me is very hard to pin point a specific person, it would be easier if I have to answer it on a specific category.
But what would you answer be?
I have a lot of admiration for Ethan Hawke, best known for acting but his novels have been some of my most beloved reads
I had a mildly negative view of EH until this interview which totally flipped me.
yessss a new Hawke interview !!
We really only admire parts of people as the whole person usually has features we don't admire.
I have a pin board over my desk with photos of work related admiration subjects:
  • pg - startups and clear thinking
  • jobs - product excellence
  • hal - software with a mission
  • jordan - relentlessness
  • ... I've been meaning to add a portrait of jesus - boundless empathy
  • ... I'd like to also find The visual artist that best represents the energy I'm looking for
Also: Jordan is mine, too, partly because he's basically a sociopath. Shows the heights a man can achieve, and what it costs to achieve it.
Less sociopathic: George Saunders. Such giant empathy. @plebpoet, take note.
funny that at the mention of Jordan, I first thought of Jordan Peterson, who would also fit that description you gave pretty well
Another Jordan that I admire. In JBP's case, I don't think he's sociopathic, but rather, got mired in a contentious relationship with society and the media. If you watch his older lectures, before he got put in the crucible, he was an eclectic and deep thinking college professor. Makes me sad, the journey he was taken on; although I suppose what he got from it might have been worth it. He'd probably say that it was.
The old Arabic saying I read somewhere: take what you want, and pay for it. I don't know how it parses in Arabic, but the duality of it in English is profound.
I agree with you. I feel that the way he has been received and treated as a caricature is a product of the times. He was a great teacher to me
I am very into the impressionists for the last year or so. Many countries had impressionist movements, beyond the ones everyone knows. Scandinavian impressionism is a thing, and is amazing.
If you find something with the energy you want, please post about it.
For work stuff I was probably going to seek out of an graphic designer, but I could probably broaden the search (that I haven't really started).
I've been obsessed with this poster for like 3 days https://i.pinimg.com/736x/7a/24/d1/7a24d180a1829520af868a4032ee59cc.jpg
Someone should really meme this Krøyer
That cat thing is badass. Is that a movie?
I haven't seen it yet. I just discovered it 3 days ago.
The director was an Ad guy so the graphics really make sense.
Interesting list and perspective about really only admiring parts of people.
I'm guessing Pa** Gr**, perhaps? (Assuming you were intentionally being cryptic.)
No crypticness intended. I just call him pg in my head as neither of his names are unique enough on their own
Paul Graham
... Who?😅 Have to look him up..
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experiences acid flashbacks
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My wife honestly. She works full-time, yet insists on cooking our meals for 6 days a week. She also takes care of our two children tirelessly, ensuring sleep deprivation and irritating tantrums like a champ. I don’t know what I will do without her
Michael Saylor maybe, he orange pilled thousands. And ofc Satoshi.
Edward Snowden and Julian Assange aren't too shabby, despite their flaws.
I admired trustworthy and transparent person.
This is a hard one, it has to deal with the individuals as we usually like only what we see, on that note I will say Shah Rukh Khan
wolfgang amadeus mozart