This might ruffle some feathers but this is a failure of masculinity. Life is hard suck it up get to work. All this complaining that you can’t do this and that is very immature in my opinion. These kids didn’t ask to be here now they they are it is up to you to take care of them.
I know you are using SN to vent but I read this and I think what has happen to men? Couldn’t you have vented to a close friend or the wife cried it out and got back to the grind? Why post it here? Again I don’t mean to be disrespectful or slight your feelings or situation but life overall is a struggle and the twist and turns it takes can really drain you mentally, physically, and emotionally but as I man (which I assume you are) I will hold you to a higher standard to be strong be that bedrock that patriarch that your kids and your great grandchildren can be proud of. The foundation you lay down today will create great benefits not only for you but the human race as a whole.
I wish you well and stay strong!
Thanks for balancing criticalness with compassion, mate. You delivered some hard-hitting truths I needed to hear - and I agree that I need to get a better handle on my emotions.
You got this!! Stay strong 💪