The one with GSovereignty (nostrovia pod) is a good one .... both (the host and Eric) are free thinkers and I learned a lot
As for why Monero/Litecoin pods, I just did a quick search and these were the latest I could find -I dont know anything about Monero/Litecoin and dont care about them :)
As for short summary, that is very hard as there are many many things to cover, personally read his book twice (I feel i need to do it again) and since morning I have been listening to the pods ive shared (some for the 2nd time)
Note: I met Max (wasabi wallet founder) last week in Bali who is knowledgeable on Austrian Economics & is a philosophiser and he told me Eric's knowledge on Austrian Economics & his technical knowledge of Bitcoin is one of the best, if not the best.... i was intrigued and wanted to know more on his thoughts and ideas