At the origin, it has been an issue between another lightning dev and myself, which has not been cleanly and properly mediated. Some other people at spiral and chaincode have heard about it, and rather to put in place adequate mechanisms of mediation has taken a biased position for the other person.
I'm always acting with the highest standards of integrity and probity in both my public and private life, and I don't take opportunity of matters happening in private to follow lesser ethical standards (one can read Plato's republic on the philosophical leaning).
From my viewpoint, they have been only partially informed of the facts, and their positions have come as the prejudice for my professional interests, though also for my works as a security researcher and open-source protocol developer.
Those last concerns coming as a damage for the whole bitcoin ecosystem as they're poisoining the usual Bitcoin technical development and maintenance of the ecosystem critical softwares.
I won't say more to protect people private lifes (starting by my own), though this is not the first time we have inter-personal issues in the bitcoin technical community affecting the development of protocols and regular lifes of bitcoin codebases. For some even relatively recent issues, where I've not been involved at all, one major developer had to step down from his career, in a completely unfair fashion from my viewpoint and the information I'm aware off. And I know few which are pre-dating the times I started to be active in Bitcoin development.
Root of the matter lay when people are nurturing deep friendships and romantic relationships, which happen very often in professional life beyond bitcoin circles. However, in bitcoin we don't have robust code of ethics, established cultural norms and inter-personal conflicts resolution process yet in place to handle such situations smoothly.
Somehow I'm still sad than my elders at Chaincode and other bitcoin organizations around like Spiral, who has done and are doing the work of onboarding and nurturing technical talents in this space have never invest sufficient resources to solve and prevent those issues of personal matter. On one hand I understand some people in charge there, who might not have healed well their own conflicts in human affairs from their previous non-bitcoin-related professional careers, and as such have a hard time to be comfortable to talk about those issues, even in private and even if they're regarded as "big boys" by the public.
On the other hand, it's now encumbering on my shoulders (and the ones of few others), of someone who is 20 years younger than them, has a very busy bitcoin and technical career to manage and who is not an english native, to do the hard work on nurturing better ethical and cultural norms and put in place better inter personal conflicts resolution process among developers and technical stakeholders of the bitcoin space, akin to more mature technical community like the IETF or the ACM.
Working with my lawyers, some other persons and the people conerned (spiral, chaincode, etc) to advance in this direction with time and patience. As of today, I'm confident we'll build alltogether better social norms and a more healthy environment, for now it's a matter of patience and calm.
All that said, optimistic for the future of lightning, taproot application and other cool things. With time.