Thanks, and of course, my nocoiner buddy responded to me with:
omg dude…i barely cared about that. I just sent it because i thought you would find it interesting. now you have a whole article about it lol jesus dude anyway i figured you wold disagree you are definitely a bitcoin evangelist
your nocoiner friends needs to uninstall TikTok spyware and come to SN so we convert him
Let me guess, he's never sent you any links to bullish articles on Bitcoin before.
A great example of confirmation bias (and if my premise is wrong, this comment becomes an excellent example of confirmation bias :P). I wonder if he's ever considered that his friend who can write an 1800+ word article on Bitcoin cryptography might know something about Bitcoin that he doesn't. Ego is a bitch.
It sounds like you've tried to orange-pill him in the past. What happened? Is there enough material for another article? :D
I told him to buy bitcoin. He bought it, then watched it go sideways and thought it wasn't performing as well as his vanguard managed fund so he sold it. I don't tell people to buy bitcoin anymore; I tell them to learn about it--and about how fiat currency is devalued over time.
That says a lot though, that he was actually open-minded enough to listen to you.
I've only been through one bull-bear cycle, and now I am much more careful about exactly what I tell people. I once was so certain that BTC would never dip below $30k again. How stupid that was!
That's why I told him to dollar cost average--you can only time and predict the market cycles with vague ideas and pseudo-science astrology for finance nerds. Slowly accumulating is the only way to be sure.