Stay productive.
It’s very easy I have found to get distracted, wish to speculate or just get downright demotivated.
But companies during these times if you’re an employee, are going to be examining many of their staff. Against both results & skills. Many times they get it wrong of course and will lose productive staff. But your opportunity lies in learning something new, asking how you can take on more work, or just being a general happy influence around colleagues. People like being around cheerful others.
I would say make yourself indispensable (or as much as possible) should be the goal during times like this. Either in your current job, or with an alternative income stream.
Don’t kill yourself over it, consciously do what you can, whilst acknowledging that loyalty means nothing these days in business. No one’s fault (besides Government). It isn’t personal, it’s just the way it is. So stay strong, productive and cheerful. You’ll put yourself in the top 10-20% for sure.