I don't know if the costs are low enough for consumer use. After you add in battery and all the systems that go into keeping them charged you are going to find profitability difficult at best.
This may be better for a scenario where you intend to have an off grid solar setup anyways. Be smart and you can also use this as a jumping point to heat your home as well. That way your solar system has use that is not exclusive to Bitcoin mining, making the costs easier to tolerate and you find dual utility by using your miner as a heater also. This can further help reduce cost and maximize profitability.
The Bitcoin mining is the easy part, you'll need to brush yourself up with solar systems. This is not as hard as you might think. I highly suggest looking up "Will prowls" on youtube. He will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know about solar. #1 thing people fuck up is using improperly gauged wire for the load. Dedicate 100 hours of research and study and you'll have more than enough knowledge to handle beginner solar systems.