It sure seems like we're getting close to widespread recognition that the economy has gone off the rails.
Are there any opportunities you're hoping to take advantage of as we approach the bust?
My family's keeping an eye on real estate in various parts of the country. If housing prices fall dramatically in a desirable place, we're getting ready to jump on it. That's in the scenario where prices don't fall in our market first. If our housing market crashes first, then we'll ride it out and look for opportunities on the other side.
October's Sobering Jobs Report Adds to Mounting Bad Economic News By Ryan McMaken "Data on employed persons, wages, and other measures point to trouble ahead in an economy already strained by growing bankruptcies, mounting debts, and disappearing savings."
Bitcoin is obviously a big part of the plan.
Real estate is a good idea if you're mobile, but my community ties are strong and I don't want to move. Nor do I want to manage a real estate portfolio from a distance.
But honestly I'm less worried about the financial implications than the security implications of a full blown crisis. Seems wise to stock up on food & other essentials, and know how to defend yourself, as well as being part of a local community of people that you can trust.
With how fragile modern supply chains seem to be, being well stocked on essentials is pretty important.
We aren't super well established in our current location, so moving right now wouldn't be too bad. Once our daughter is old enough for school, we want to be settled in.
More from Ryan McMaken:
There's No Easy Way Out of This Debt Spiral "The new problem we now face arises from the fact that huge deficits are only manageable so long as interest rates remain very, very low."