Funny story. I tend to walk at least an hour a day. We have some great nature trails just a few mins walk from our house. So I usually put on a podcast and walk around the trails. Each trail has a large rock with a plaque and the name of the trail at different points along the trail. When the trails connect they will also have large rocks with the trail names so you always know what trail you are on. A number of these trails connect around the golf course near our home. After a big snow fall last winter, I started drawing Bitcoin logos in the snow that was resting on top of the rocks along the trail. The next morning my wife took the dog out for a walk and when she came back she said "you aren't going to believe this, someone drew Bitcoin logos in the snow on all the rocks on the trail." I just replied "that's awesome" and never told her it was me.
Anon first 😂 great story sat
Two stories about snow in one day. I'm glad I don't live in the frozen north anymore.