It isn't about cheating. The game is the illusion. To keep us focused on these clowns. Make them irrelevant to your life. A politician only seeks to make themself needed so they will always be "fixing" crap that doesn't need fixing. The whole structure is set up with bad incentives.
It's not a game, it's war.
This is the battlefield we've found ourselves on.
You're being shot at even if you don't like it.
So voting for the gunman makes it better?
The Buddha had a great teaching regarding the man who intellectualized his own fate. The man was shot by an arrow. The healing doctor wanted to take the arrow out. The man who was shot insisted on knowing who shot him! What was the man's cast? Was it even a man? All kinds of nonsense questions. Then the man who was shot died. None the wiser.
It was obvious by your OP that you're the kind of person ready to just lay down and die. No need to reiterate.
Wow, they've done a number on you. I'm aware I'm being shot at. Building a citadel. I don't allow the enemy to set the terms. I set my own terms thank you.
Citadels are a fun larp for the I am very smart crowd.
I too take preparedness seriously; it will be helpful through the coming manufactured crisis leading up to the next fake election.
But the hubris of such dismissiveness will be a painful undoing in time.