I always had trouble running this or umbrel behind a vpn and access on my local network. How do I do this?
Wow, ditching Docker.
Oh how much I barely know.
I'm running the PC version of Start OS.
From a security perspective, replacing Docker with Podman is a good decision. Podman can run containers without root access.
Also, as a Red Hat product, Podman integrates very well with systemd.
That makes sense. I've used Start9 OS since 2020 and they changed things were I needed SU to do lightning stuff. I have a very rudimentary understanding. I'm still on the last release so I don't know when this update will come to my box. I think I'll get a new SSD and clone it before the upgrade.
My PC box has 3 SSDs but the Start9 stuff is all on 1 1tb SSD. I'm going to get a 2tb since Bitcoin core is about 700GB. I'd like to run the time chain data on its own drive as I've done just running Bitcoin core on a Linux box but the Start9 is not easy to manage multiple drives.
I'm a Mint/Ubuntu/Debian user even though I started on RedHat /Mandrake in the 1990s. I like Start9 very much. The team is great and it's allowed me to run Lightning. But I'm totally ignorant as to what I'm doing.
Thank you for the insight.