We have a tie of tragic movies and Kung Fu movies, I acted as the breaker by vying for Kung Fu movies. You know the rules, Give us name of the Kung Fu movie and the optional information of what the movies is, trailer, pictures, memes of the movie.
1,000 sats paid
fred's bounties
kung fu isn't generally my bag, and i'm not sure if it counts as strictly a kung fu movie, but i'll say old boy. it's about a man imprisoned for 15 years, without knowing who his captors are or why he is being held. https://image.tmdb.org/t/p/original/idBaREsAGTjPZPrlAd1w8SVzUzd.jpg
otherwise i'd say the kill bill movies
No this one is intense! Fist of Legend!
Forbidden Kingdom because I got to watch Jet Li & Jackie Chan together
Kung Fu Panda
The rest of the kung fu movies I've seen have been mentioned already lol.
I love this movie
how did i forget kung fu panda? it's literally in the title