A lot that is written is to sell to a particular audience. Very little has anything personal to say about what the author believes in, or considers, without being a hit on the head in terms of “current social mores.”
That is to say nothing is really hitting universal-particular, if that makes sense. The trend of auteur pictures makes hyper-particular stories really flashy, especially for a first project but rarely it seems that anyone is making statements on human nature. I hate topicality in a picture where someone thinks they are trying to fill this need with a talk talk fluff for 3 hours about some socially popular topic. Nothing cuts into actual human drama when you write like this.
I like to think of the very best classic Simpson episodes when I think of this need. Bart’s First Girlfriend; Bart’s First Crush: these are episodes that can NEVER be redone and they hit on such a personal, intrinsic dance within the psychology of the character that translates to the audience because of the universality.
What’s your genre?