175€ lmao! You guys are crazy.
Stack sats, don't waste fiat on unnecessary things.
It's €125 if you build it yourself. It is designed to be a fun and open-source DIY project by bitcoiners, for bitcoiners. Some people are not able or have the time to solder it themselves. Also I only accept sats as payment.
175 or 125, DIY or not, doesn't matter, that was not my point
people should be stacking sats, not wasting money on expensive eletronic waste.
This is getting off-topic but I disagree, people should indeed think about what they spend their money on and if you think this is not useful that's perfectly fine.
However, people should also spend their sats. Huge fan of this article which explains why.
Last but not least, the repairability of open source hardware projects is very high. If it breaks you can just replace one of the components to repair it cheaply or use the components in other projects. In both cases it doesn't become electronic waste as closed, proprietary stuff often does when it breaks.