Dude I feel you on a spiritual level my normie job is in marketing and it makes me sick to have to do this forced embellishment of absolute trash as people are desperately chasing nominal gains not realising they are long since unprofitable, the products don't matter it's all just about moving money around to create taxable income for the government.
We've lost sight of why we trade, it's such a sick game and because the game is more important than the underlying, the underlying (products and services) just shrinks and decays into an empty husk
Yeah, same. I work in software and I could beg my boss to give me more time to produce higher quality software. UI could look nicer, smart algos can be less resource intensive, parallelization could make things faster, more reliable and stable and faster software, more tests, less bugs etc.
But no, everything must be minimum viable product and cash has to get rotated from customer to corporation to salaries and dividends asap. No appreciation for high quality craftsmanship anymore.