bitcoin is for anyone. if someone wants to buy kyc coins because they think they will increase in fiat value, that's their prerogative. if they want to avoid mixing coins to make it easier to sell on centralized exchanges, more power to them. their reasons don't have to align with mine.
...this is a problem and we should not accept it. these people need to be called out often and called out directly
i disagree. and i understand that is probably an unpopular opinion around here, but calling out people for wrongthink is a dick move, and rarely has the desired effect. it's not your job to police other people's motivations or beliefs. all you can do is try to educate, and move on. to quote someone much smarter than me, "if you don't believe me or don't get it, i don't have time to try to convince you, sorry."
I agree with this. You're free to do as you want, and others decisions don't affect yours. Is there really a dangerous rift, or is OP just being overly dramatic?
Why care if others are here just to trade it or store it on exchanges as a speculator. It's not my problem and I don't see how it could ever be my problem. We need everyone.
As a bitcoiner you can even swing both ways at the same time. Why not have a small KYC stack going on an exchange, and your super private 'fuck you' stack elsewhere.
You could also care deeply about NGU against fiat money printing, and still care about extreme privacy. They don't exclude each other.